
في أبو ظبي: شجرة عيد ميلاد قيمتها 11 مليون دولار

شجرة عيد الميلاد يعتقد أنها الأغلى في العالم.. أقامتها أحد الفنادق الفاخرة بأبو ظبي على مدخلها.. وتزينت بالجواهر والأحجار الكريمة، إضافة إلى الزينة التقليدية كالكرات الملونة والمصابيح.

''هانز أولبيرتز'' مدير فندق (قصر الامارات) يقول إن الشجرة تبلغ قيمتها11 مليون دولار، موضحا إن قيمة الشجرة لحالها لا يتجاوز العشرة آلاف دولار، ولكن المجوهرات التي استخدمت في تزيينها اضافت 11 مليون دولارا إلى قيمتها.

وأضاف أولبيرتز بأن فريق التسويق في الفندق هو الذي خرج بفكرة تزيين الشجرة بهذه الطريقة.

وبالرغم من أن الاغلبية الساحقة من سكان أبو ظبي من المسلمين، استبعد أولبيرتز أن تؤذي شجرته مشاعرهم، إذ يقول إن الامارة ''ليبرالية ومتسامحة جدا''.

وقال أولبيرتز إن الفندق يحتفل بعيد الميلاد كل سنة بنصب شجرة، ولكنه شعر بأن عليه الاقدام على شيء مختلف هذا العام أن الفندق سيتقدم بطلب الى مؤسسة غينيس للارقام القياسية لتصنيف الشجرة باعتبارها الاغلى في العالم.

وقد نصبت الشجرة في صالة مدخل الفندق التي زينت بدورها برقائق الذهب.

وأضاف بأن المجوهرات التي زينت بها الشجرة تشتمل على 181 ماسة ولؤلؤة وزمردة وغيرها من الاحجار الكريمة.


المصدر : بي بي سي العربيه


تطبيق CRM عربي لإدارة العلاقات مع العملاء: SmartCRM

منذ شهرين تقريبا اطلق أحمد سعد هو و شركائه, شركة جديدة من مصر تقدم حلول CRM ,
SmartCRM الشركة هي

. الان المميز و المختلف في هذه الشركة, ما عدى ان البرنامج الذي تقدمه هو عربي, ان البرنامج يعتمد على الويب و السحاب و في نفس الوقت يقدم واجهة مكتبية تسهل و تبسط استخدامه.

و إذا البرنامج هو في نفس الوقت مكتبي و تطبيق ويب. هذا طبعا يجعله قوي و سهل و كل شيء يتم إدارته من مكان واحد.

يشار الى ان البرنامج حاليا في مرحلة الباتا و قريبا ستطلق النسخة العربية منه و التي هي طبعا جدا ضرورية بما انه يستهدف الشرق الاوسط .

و يطمح مؤسسي شركة SmartCRM لأن تكون شركتهم من أهم الشركات التي تقدم حلول للأعمال في الشرق الأوسط و مع الاعوام الانتشار عالميا


ERP implementation tips for global companies

Intresting article about how big ERP rollouts can go horribley wrong ,the information is a bit dated but the princilples are the same

Take-Home Lessons from Nestlé's ERP

1. Don't start a project with a deadline in mind. Figure out the project requirements, then determine how long it will take you to accomplish them.
2. Update your budget projection at regular intervals. So many things happen during a long project that you will be lucky to stay on target during a particular year, let alone the life of the project. Frequently revisiting your numbers will help minimize troublesome surprises.

3. ERP isn't about the software. It's easy to put a new system in place. The hard part is changing the business processes of the people who will use the system.

4. Nobody likes process change, particularly when they don't know it's coming. Include in the planning the people whose processes you are changing. Keep the communication lines open while the project is in the works, and measure the level of acceptance before, during and after the rollout.

5. Remember the integration points. It isn't enough to simply install new systems; you need to make sure that they can talk to each other.

info from CIO.com

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software suppliers – Essential Guide

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software suppliers come in all shapes and sizes, with the vital business process software available as a client server application, a hosted ERP service or even via a web-based portal.

What is ERP software?

ERP software has its roots in the Nineties manufacturing industry, where earlier forms of the applications were used for manufacturing resource planning (MRP) and computer integrated manufacturing (CIM).

However, ERP has grown to cover all core functions of a business, regardless of its industry sector. As a result, both private and public sector organisations now use ERP systems in some form or other.

ERP applications tend to be modular in nature, sharing vital business information which is held on a central database repository, or repositories.

What does ERP software do?

ERP systems typically carry out financial and business planning functions, which might formerly have been carried out by many smaller standalone applications.

Examples of ERP system modules include: product lifecycle management, supply chain management (for example purchasing, manufacturing and distribution), warehouse management, customer relationship management (CRM), sales order processing, online sales, financials, human resources, and decision support system.

Why use ERP software?

One major benefit of having a single modular ERP system is that it can unite and link together multiple processes and parts of the business, making the business run more efficiently.

By automating various functions, you can also benefit from having, for example, good order tracking, from acceptance through to fulfilment. In terms of the revenue cycle, you can track invoices through to cash receipts.

ERP systems also centralise the data in one place, which can eliminate the problem of synchronising changes between multiple systems, and allows business managers to get a more accurate view of the business’s information.

Having a single data repository can also lower the risk of losing sensitive data, if you use appropriate data security and authorisation.

What are the drawbacks of ERP systems?

ERP systems can prove to be complex and difficult to customise, keeping in mind the actual complexities and idiosyncrasies of each individual business itself.

Many firms fail to adequately invest in ongoing training for the involved IT personnel, and there is often a lack of corporate policy to protect the integrity of the data in the ERP systems and the ways in which it is used.

Business processes frequently have to be re-engineered to fit the new ERP system, and this can lead to problems with processes and staff.

Also, ERP systems can be very expensive. This has led to a newer breed of simpler ERP systems for smaller enterprises which carry a lower cost, and many established ERP vendors now offer managed ERP services, offered over the web.

Finally, the fact that ERP systems centralise the data in one place can increase the risk of loss of sensitive information in the event of a security breach.

Popular ERP Vendors

Microsoft Dynamics
The Microsoft Dynamics ERP suite includes Microsoft Dynamics AX, an accounting and finance, HR and CRM tool; Microsoft Dynamics GP, a mid-market accounting suite; and Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Microsoft Dynamics SL, both SME ERP platform.
Oracle e-Business Suite
A modular ERP platform, the Oracle e-Business Suite has many elements including Oracle CRM, Oracle Financials, Oracle Logistics, Oracle Order Management and Oracle Warehouse Management Systems. The software makes use of the Oracle database.
Sage Line 500 and Sage 1000 are the cornerstone ERP solutions for thousands of UK businesses. Developed for the UK mid-market from day one, the Sage Line 500 and Sage 1000 Suites offer customers a broad range of capabilities including CRM, HR, Payroll and Business Intelligence.
SAP Business One
Aimed at SMEs, SAP Business One contains over a dozen core modules, such as Financials, Sales Opportunities, Purchasing Banking, Human Resources, E-commerce and WebCRM.
Infor Global Solutions
Infor is a large business software provider which has several ERP suites, such as Infor ERP LN, Infor ERP SyteLine, Infor ERP VISUAL, Infor ERP Adage and Infor ERP LX. They are built on an open, flexible, service-oriented architecture (SOA) with web-based user interfaces.
NetERP from NetSuite
NetSuite supplies on-demand, integrated business management software suites aimed at mid-market enterprises and divisions of large companies. It offers hosted accounting, CRM, ERP, e-commerce and web site development software.
Lawson Software
Lawson merged with business software firm Intentia International in 2006, to offer mid-market business an alternative to larger ERP vendors. The vendor’s ERP packages are Lawson S3 (broadly for service firms) and Lawson M3 (broadly for manufacturers and distributors.

Source: www.computerweekly.com

SAP calls for business sustainability in region

You can only sustainably strong as a company if you are sustainably robust in handling the three elements - your impact on the planet in which we live, the impact on the people with whom we work and the impact on the profits we are supposed to generate," Duarte told delegates at the event.

While Duarte admitted there are sceptics to the relevance of sustainability here in the Middle East, he believes that the time has come to acknowledge it.

"I do believe that in the future it (sustainability) is going to be very relevant for every business regardless of where it is based," Duarte added.

Sergio Maccotta, managing director at SAP MENA revealed that the Middle East is growing much faster than other markets, with two companies joining the SAP ecosystem every single week over the last nine months.SAP Forum 2009 is themed under the title - See Your Way Clear: Strategies for Success in the New Reality - and focuses on how SAP can bring transparency to business operations. 1,700 delegates are said to have registered for the two-day event which kicked off today.

"The markets here are growing much faster than the rest of the world, and SAP here is growing even faster - in the last nine months, we grew five times faster than what the analysts were predicting," Maccotta stated in his keynote address.

The company now has more than 700 customers in the Middle East alone, with small to medium-sized organisations representing 40% of that figure.

Source: www.itp.net