
رسالة "صوت الأقصى"

قامت الاخت حالا بحملة صوت الاقصي وهي دعوة للعمل بما هو متاح الينا وهو التدوين
لذلك قامت باعداد رسالة باللغة الانجليزية تدعو فيها كل الهيئات العالمية والمنظمات الحقوقية للتدخل
وارجوا من الجميع متابعة التفاصيل بمدونة حالا لمعرفة الايميلات التي سوف نقوم بارسال الرسالة لها
وهذة نص الرسالة باللغة الانجليزية
To the United Nations, Amnesty International and Red Crescent
To the Kings, Princes, Presidents, Leaders of the World, and all final authorities in the international issues
To all Human Rights World Organizations, Societies and Institutions
To all journalists and media professionals
To various Islamic and religious Organizations and to the clerics who always search for truth
To every Official in every part of the globe
To the whole world, we address this letter in which we demand our right to protect one of the most important religious and historical symbols, Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is being demolished and destroyed by the Israeli forces without any intervention by the side of the authorities responsible for protecting the political and religious rights. The Palestinians are trying to defend Al-Aqsa alone and are exposed to gun shots, torture and killing because they are trying to practice their religious rights of performing their prayers in the mosque, and because they are trying to defend the most important place of worship in their country, history and religion.
Israel abuses all religions on daily basis and violates the sanctity of the religious shrines by digging around Al-Aqsa Mosque near to its bases. It also does not respect freedom of expression and practice of religious ceremonies by denying Palestinians and Muslims the access to Al-Aqsa mosque for prayers. These actions contradict the human rights laws and they stand against religion and principles of humanity and justice. They also contravene with Article 53 of 1977 Geneva Protocol I additional to the Geneva Convention of1949 which bans any acts of hostility directed against historic monuments, works of art or places of worship which constitute the cultural or spiritual heritage of people, noting that Al-Aqsa Mosque is a sacred place for Muslims and one of the religious symbols and historical monuments that means a lot not only to Muslims and Palestinians but to the Arab Homeland, the World and Humanity.
In addition to all of the above, the Israeli aggressions against Al-Aqsa Mosque are considered as a war crime according to 1998 Statute of the International Criminal Court.
Thus, Israel violates all laws, charters, rights and conventions and commits war crimes before the eyes of everybody without reaction from any official or international organization to prevent such aggression, oppression and offence to religion, law, freedom and the whole world.
In this context, we demand every person in position of responsibility, every international organization, every satellite channel, every media professional, all those to whom this letter is addressed and all those who read it to immediately demand halting violations, destruction, demolition and digging of the scared sanctities in Al-Aqsa Mosque, and ensure access to it for worshippers to practice their right of worship and stop injustice done to the Palestinian people by the occupation forces that continue to torture and kill the Palestinian citizens.

A special appeal for the Presidents of the Arab Countries….
We want to perform prayers in Al-Aqsa Mosque without prohibition or any kind of harassment. You are responsible for protecting the Arab Homeland and the rights of the Arab citizen. We want to practice our religious and humanitarian rights and we want you to protect our sacred symbols from violation and destruction.
We will continue demanding all the addressees of these rights that we will never waive.
We hope that our voice reaches the whole world and that you help us in applying the law, right and justice advocated by all sacred religions and humanitarian and international laws.
We will be waiting for a conceptual and practical reply from you.
We thank you in advance for all what you will be doing in order to achieve justice, and we will present special thanks in our blogs to all those who take a step in response to our letter.
Please reply to: bloggersvoice@yahoo.com

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